1000 Tattoos
2 970
Trawl through centuries of tattooing in this eye-popping history of the art of body decoration. From modest, discreet symbols to astonishing full-body adornments, the wonders of 1000 Tattoos will entertain, amaze, and inspire. Whether you’re considering getting ink done yourself or are simply curious about what lengths others have gone: this is the guide you’ve been looking for.
Trawl through centuries of tattooing in this eye-popping history of the art of body decoration. From modest, discreet symbols to astonishing full-body adornments, the wonders of 1000 Tattoos will entertain, amaze, and inspire. Whether you’re considering getting ink done yourself or are simply curious about what lengths others have gone: this is the guide you’ve been looking for.

Горячева Т. Карасик М. Канцедикас А. Эль Лисицкий. Совместный каталог с Третьяковской галереей
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Женщины Девятой улицы. Ли Краснер, Элен де Кунинг, Грейс Хартиган, Джоан Митчелл и Хелен Франкентале
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Martin Jackson, illustrated by George Wylesol Ways of Looking at Art / Мартин Джексон: способы смотр
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