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When is a urinal no longer a urinal? When Marcel Duchamp declared it to be art. From his infamous Fountain to reworked Mona Lisa with mustache and beard, this essential introduction to Duchamp surveys his audacious practice of “readymades” and beyond and its critical place in 20th-century art.
When is a urinal no longer a urinal? When Marcel Duchamp declared it to be art. From his infamous Fountain to reworked Mona Lisa with mustache and beard, this essential introduction to Duchamp surveys his audacious practice of “readymades” and beyond and its critical place in 20th-century art.
Горячева Т. Карасик М. Канцедикас А. Эль Лисицкий. Совместный каталог с Третьяковской галереей
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Женщины Девятой улицы. Ли Краснер, Элен де Кунинг, Грейс Хартиган, Джоан Митчелл и Хелен Франкентале
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Martin Jackson, illustrated by George Wylesol Ways of Looking at Art / Мартин Джексон: способы смотр
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