1 650
One of the key figures in the New York art world of the 1980s, Keith Haring (1958–1990) created a signature style that blended street art, graffiti, a Pop sensibility, and cartoon elements to unique, memorable effect. With thick black outlines, bright colors, and kinetic figures, his public (and occasionally illegal) interventions, sculptures, and works on canvas and paper have become instantly recognizable icons of 20th-century visual culture.
One of the key figures in the New York art world of the 1980s, Keith Haring (1958–1990) created a signature style that blended street art, graffiti, a Pop sensibility, and cartoon elements to unique, memorable effect. With thick black outlines, bright colors, and kinetic figures, his public (and occasionally illegal) interventions, sculptures, and works on canvas and paper have become instantly recognizable icons of 20th-century visual culture.

Горячева Т. Карасик М. Канцедикас А. Эль Лисицкий. Совместный каталог с Третьяковской галереей
3 850

Женщины Девятой улицы. Ли Краснер, Элен де Кунинг, Грейс Хартиган, Джоан Митчелл и Хелен Франкентале
1 342

Martin Jackson, illustrated by George Wylesol Ways of Looking at Art / Мартин Джексон: способы смотр
2 750