Jean-Michel Basquiat: Remix: Matisse, Picasso, Twombly
4 070
The exhibition at the Collection Lambert explores the roots of the raw energy contained in Jean-Michel Basquiat’s paintings and questions the unusual qualities of a body of work both visceral and self-aware, so much more than the sum of its unusual parts, through which the talent of a young prodigy shines through. In the 1980s, Jean-Michel Basquiat burst onto the art scene offering a new vision of art, putting painting back at its heart at the very moment the medium had been consigned to history. His work brings together the artist’s own sources, intuitions and extraordinary talent. Like a DJ mixing forms, Basquiat took shapes and colors into new creative territories.
The exhibition at the Collection Lambert explores the roots of the raw energy contained in Jean-Michel Basquiat’s paintings and questions the unusual qualities of a body of work both visceral and self-aware, so much more than the sum of its unusual parts, through which the talent of a young prodigy shines through. In the 1980s, Jean-Michel Basquiat burst onto the art scene offering a new vision of art, putting painting back at its heart at the very moment the medium had been consigned to history. His work brings together the artist’s own sources, intuitions and extraordinary talent. Like a DJ mixing forms, Basquiat took shapes and colors into new creative territories.

Горячева Т. Карасик М. Канцедикас А. Эль Лисицкий. Совместный каталог с Третьяковской галереей
3 850

Женщины Девятой улицы. Ли Краснер, Элен де Кунинг, Грейс Хартиган, Джоан Митчелл и Хелен Франкентале
1 342

Martin Jackson, illustrated by George Wylesol Ways of Looking at Art / Мартин Джексон: способы смотр
2 750